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Welcome to Rocky Springs Primitive Baptist Church.  Our church was founded on August 28, 1830.  On the very day our church was constituted, the first U.S. Made steam locomotive was racing against a horse in the State of Maryland.  The horse went on to beat "Tom Thumb" due to a mechanical breakdown that day, but the steam locomotive went on to become the transportation champion for decades to come.  Much has changed in the decades since our ancestors met to constitute Rocky Springs Church, but the truth of the Gospel remains the same.  We still meet with the express goal of glorifying God and worshipping Him.  Our service is simple: Sing, Pray, and Preach.  Our congregation is united with all ages and families worshipping together.  We do not seek to reinvent the wheel, or even revolutionize transportation from horse to steam engine.  We remain, and will remain, dedicated to the joyful message of God's Sovereign Grace and unending Mercy.

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Edmund Long 

About Our pastor:

Ed Long was born in the city of Cortland, NY on a snowy Tuesday, two days before Thanksgiving in 1974.  Even as a newborn, he found a way to inconvenience his family during a week of what should have been celebration.  He was raised by his parents to always seek opportunities to visit and serve.  His father would take him to visit shut ins, elderly relatives and church friends from a very young age.  Ed was very interested in listening to the stories they told and trying to find a way to cheer them up.  Ed grew up as a member of St. Leo's Catholic Church in Tully, NY and lived next door to the church.  He always wanted to help out the church when possible and was called upon to be an organist for St. Leo's when he was 11 years old.  His love of music and the organ was evident over the

next 11 years as he grew as an organist and choir director; joyfully singing the Tenor part of every hymn whenever the opportunity arose.  At the age of 22, his job moved him away from New York State.  He ended up in Nashville, TN in January of 2000 and was blessed to not only find his wife Jennifer, but find the Primitive Baptist Church through her direction.  He immediately felt a desire to learn more about Jesus and the Doctrines of Grace.  Through study and direction from his father in the ministry, Elder Loyce M. Fuller, Brother Ed began his journey as a minister in January of 2003.  He was ordained as an Elder and charged with the care of the flock at Blooming Grove Primitive Baptist Church on January 29, 2005.  In October of 2006, he was called as the Pastor of Union Primitive Baptist Church in McKenzie, TN and remained Her Pastor for the next 18 years.  In November of 2023, Brother Ed joyfully accepted the Pastorship of Rocky Springs Primitive Baptist Church.  Ed and Jennifer have two daughters, Josephine and Grace, who bring much joy to their lives, and many stories to Ed's sermons.  Ed is employed as a Vice President for BR Supply, INC and has been with them since April of 2001.  He describes his job there as "Crisis Counselor," and never has a dull day at work.  He is blessed to minister to hundreds of people around West Tennessee through his job at BR Supply and is so grateful to give God all glory for the success he has seen there.  

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